A New Name

arrow9 Comments

  1. Faith Hope Love (My New Name)
    Oct 05 - 6:41 pm

    I kind of like this prayer I spotted a year ago in a shop window in Cornwall,

    “Lord, Give me the grace to change the things I can,
    The grace to accept the things I can’t.
    And a great big bag of money, Amen”

    Sort of short & to the point. A faith prayer? Wishful thinking! Or the sad reality of how we pray sometimes!

    “Not my will, but Your will be done in my life, is a far harder prayer to prayer” and one I saw often struggle wiith, despite those outstretched arms.

  2. Emma
    Oct 05 - 6:53 pm

    I like it! (Don’t want to, but I do..)

  3. Heather
    Oct 05 - 10:05 pm

    This post perfectly describes the stingy tendency I have. Right down to the guilt over knowing my faith in Christ’s all-sufficient care should result in intense generosity with temporal stuff.

    “Lord, give me more of You that I may give more of myself”

    Really appreciated this closing thought. Being able to freely, cheerfully give is what I also want yet cannot seem to find when digging through my own pitiful stock of religious “oughts”.

  4. Emma
    Oct 06 - 11:33 am

    Thanks Heather – it helps to know that I’m not alone. It’s also one of the things I love most about blogging – the chance to encourage and challenge one another, instead of just stewing in my own guilty juices..

  5. red
    Oct 06 - 1:12 pm

    Hi Emma
    love this post, but I am the opposite. I just give stuff away without thinking about the consequences! My husband is the organised sort with a spreadsheet for our expenses, so I drive him mad I am sure! there must be a happy medium somewhere.. Lord? is there?!

  6. Beckie
    Oct 06 - 5:40 pm

    So, I misread the title as “baking with Jesus”, which appeals to me much more. I think the post that you’ve written is considerably better though!

  7. Emma
    Oct 06 - 7:11 pm

    Hi Red – isn’t it fascinating how we struggle with both extremes? But in Him, we’re not victims of temperament – my miserliness can become liberality and your impulsiveness a considered giving. I think community – whether blog or actual – is a large part of this process. Hearing about others and sharing in their struggles, especially when they’re not the same, gives us the courage to take more (or less!) risks for ourselves.

  8. Emma
    Oct 06 - 7:14 pm

    Beckie, I hear you. I’m leaning towards a post on Christlike cupcakes. But – is it that simple? ..What would Jesus bake?!

  9. caroline
    Oct 07 - 9:13 pm

    I know he broiled fish over coals for his men, and I love blackened salmon as much as any cupcake! There was also that deal with loaves of bread ……probably not enough to build a church on though. Too bad , because I love tidy a legalistic list almost as much as I do blackened salmon.

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