A New Name

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  1. caroline
    Oct 08 - 12:44 am

    I think women are human also. This doesn’t mean that we are male (and thank God for that) It means we are made in the image of God. Made for His own glory. It would be funny to read about a male who tried to follow Proverbs chapters 1 through 30 and the rest of the LAW for a few months. Oh wait, we can, they were called pharisees right? I too have had a love/hate relationship with The P-31 Woman until I saw her for what she was (I think). Like the rest of Proverbs she was a lesson for young men that T & A is not all there is to a woman and picking the hottest babe around is not the way of WISDOM. For me, once she stopped being a TO DO list she became a friend. After 15 years marriage and six kids, I too am a little more practical than decorative! I love to point out to my husband that I have brought him good and not evil after all, and if he ever gets a little picky about all that “rising early” stuff I just point out that I don’t have servants! Really, we are all called to follow Christ. As submitted wives or servant leader husbands, the example is Him and leads to the cross.Our law is to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. Now that is a hard act to follow.

  2. emma
    Oct 08 - 6:48 pm

    Thanks Caroline – some great points. Especially with not seeing Prov 31 as a scary to-do list. Plus, I’m with you on the ‘practical rather than decorative’ side… although, thinking about it, I’m not very practical either! But I make an excellent omelette..

  3. Jojo
    Oct 08 - 10:57 pm

    My boyfriend proposed to me on Monday (yay). I said yes quicker than he could draw breath. And we were talking about readings for the wedding and he suggested prov 31. I laughed and said no, but as we discussed it he showed me a different view. He said that as a christian man he had spent years praying that he would find somebody like that woman of whom he would be worthy. Where I had seen submission and servitude he sees grace and strength. Where I had seen weakness he sees Godliness and a servant heart. I came away from that no longer despising her but admiring her, and think ing “wow ” if j thinks I am like her then he is a godly man and I am a lucky girl. Sorry if that sounds really vommy everybody.

  4. Emma
    Oct 09 - 6:19 pm

    Congratulations Jojo – that is so exciting! And he sounds like a real man of grace too.

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