A New Name

arrow6 Comments

  1. Mrs E.
    Nov 23 - 6:11 pm

    Excellent post –

    “She’s got a theology of suffering that works in theory, but leaks in practice. Her ‘altruism’ is about herself as well as others. She doesn’t like God acting for others, without parcelling out identical blessings for her. And having ‘triumphed’ over the idols of work and achievement (mainly because they’ve been taken away!), she’s been covertly building an identity that relies on being needed.”

    Rings very true indeed.

  2. Emma
    Nov 23 - 9:13 pm

    Thanks for commenting, Mrs E

  3. Phil
    Nov 24 - 3:14 pm

    You’re beating yourself up again! You have been a true friend to this person although the level of support you need to give may reduce she still needs you as a friend. We all need friends c u :-)

  4. Emma
    Nov 24 - 7:04 pm

    :-) !

  5. Ken Wood
    Nov 29 - 4:31 pm

    Emma, “Having sin exposed is painful..” So I wanted to
    say, thank you for letting me feel the pain.. I had never
    thought (with any depth) on this. God designed us to need
    Him first, but also to need others. But when we desire for
    others to need us, yes it is sin! Maybe we are trying to be
    like God, back to where our whole problem started…
    The solution – “But if I take it to the Lord, admit my weakness and ask Him to change me… maybe then, I start showing a love that’s more about Him and less about me.”

  6. Emma
    Nov 29 - 8:24 pm

    Thank you Ken :-)

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