Two guys overheard in a coffee shop:
A: Mate, you can’t let her treat you like that. Serious. Two nights in a row she’s been out with her friends, but if that was you, she’d go ballistic. Tell me I’m wrong’
B:’Yeah. Maybe’
A:’See? Mind games.’
A:You have to take control, but (lowers voice): let her think she’s in charge’
B: ‘Right’.
A: ‘Otherwise they go mental’.
B: ‘Yeah’.
A: ‘Next thing you know she’ll be facebooking her ex’
B: (looks at shoes)
A:’ She’s not. She’s NOT! Mate.’
B:’They’ve got the same friends. They don’t talk direct’
A: ‘How do you know?’
B:’She said.’
A:’And you believed her?’
B: ‘Yeah. Don’t point the spoon’.
(Pause). ‘Why would she lie?’
A: (hissing) ‘But they do. They all do. That and the crying.’
B: ‘She doesn’t cry a lot. Only at sad things. (Thinks for a minute). And when she’s really happy’.
A:’ If I were you, I’d check her computer. Get a pen camera. Or hire a jamtrap. See if she’s cheating’
B:’It’s not jam.’
B:’It’s honey. Honey trap. And they’re for men who cheat, not women’
A:’Mate, they got all sorts. I saw it on a programme. The bloke bugged his wife’s car and she was shagging his friend. (Shakes head). Big money too – I could do it.’
B: ‘She wouldn’t cheat on me. And anyway she knows you’
A: (Thinks for a minute) ‘I’d be in disguise’.
B:’No. No’
A: ‘I’ve got a hat and I could do the voice’
B: ‘What voice? – No.’
A: ‘I could totally do it’.
B:(picking up coat)’No. No.’
A: (following him out) ‘Just saying’
Jamtrap! Hehe :D
it’s official – you have just made my day complete :)
This made me really sad :( poor guy.