A New Name

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  1. Alice
    Feb 27 - 5:45 pm

    I’m grateful to you for telling the truth and not hiding this bit of life.

    We carry our brokenness around with us, don’t we? I’m not sure why God put his treasure in jars of clay but he chooses us.

    I’ll pray for Friday. x

  2. […] know they’re all corkers, but Emma’s latest is one of the […]

  3. Claire Shuker
    Feb 27 - 7:49 pm

    Wow… I’ll be praying that you would know the peace of Jesus – not just in your health, but in your ‘wholeth’ x

  4. Myrtle
    Feb 27 - 9:51 pm

    If those are the rules Emma, they are man-made rules – made to be broken. Stay real. I thank God for your honesty. x

  5. Sue
    Feb 27 - 9:52 pm

    Thank you for your reality and your honesty. I know it’s glib and trite at some levels, but it’s also profound and true: There is now no condemnation. I hope you will know that increasingly. And I pray that you will not just accept that there’s no condemnation in Christ Jesus, but that you will also be able to forgive yourself, really, absolutely and completely. We all get lots of stuff wrong. For some of us the wrong stuff is quite respectable, for others it’s an eating disorder or being an unmarried Mum (that’s me!) but in the end, for all of us who are in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation.

  6. Ma Belle
    Feb 27 - 10:14 pm

    I know how you feel, and where you’re coming from. At least Jesus doesn’t blame us x

  7. Bella
    Feb 27 - 10:40 pm

    Thanks for sharing. It is refreshing hearing these things spoken about. I hope things go ok :)

  8. Beth
    Feb 28 - 9:03 am

    Today and tomorrow & every day…

    May the Spirit lead you into the peace of Christ – or in other words “God bless”

    KJV (Day 76)

  9. Heloise Hearn
    Feb 28 - 11:03 am

    Infertility – for whatever reason – (in my case ‘unexplained’ – no apparent reason) is a weary business. Speaking so honestly about it the way you do is encouraging and people (like me) don’t always need to hear the report from the safe distance of prayers answered – we need to hear about hanging on to faith in God when they’re not…

  10. Fiona
    Feb 28 - 12:22 pm

    Oh, Emma. I’d like to give you a hug and stand with you. Thank you for your honesty. I’ll be praying for you on Friday x

  11. Jo Larcombe
    Feb 28 - 1:42 pm

    Wonderfully real and raw Emma.

    Praying you both know that peace with or without a zapping…


  12. Emma
    Feb 28 - 4:45 pm

    Thanks so, so much for your prayers and kindness. x

  13. Daphne
    Feb 28 - 7:23 pm

    Emma reading this my heart just went out to you and like Fiona I would love to give you a bit hug and say have courage and cling on.

  14. wonderingsoul
    Feb 28 - 11:46 pm

    Just read this.
    Wish I had words to respond to the rawness I hear. It’s GREAT you can find God in it… GREAT that He wants relationship… GREAT that you can hang on…
    but there’s a ‘but still…’ and it’s the ‘but still’ that’s easy to dismiss, or intellectualise / rationalise, or to quickly stifle in case it feels like self pity / lack of faith / vulnerability
    I can hear it. That’s all.

    Sending lots of warmth to you and hope and prayers and just… I don’t know… I guess just sitting with you… Does that make ANY sense?!! x

  15. Kondwani
    Mar 03 - 3:26 am

    Emma, this is incredibly honest and I am glad that you are breaking the ‘taboo’ and talking about this kind of thing. I have know easy answers – you know there are none! – but you are turning in faith to the One who does know all things and does have a reason and a purpose in everything, even through the pain which wants to rip you apart. There is an old hymn of George Matheson which he apparently wrote whilst humanly heartbroken, and one verse goes:

    ‘Oh joy that seekest me through pain,
    I dare not ask to fly from thee,
    I trace the rainbow through the rain,
    And know the promise is not vain,
    That morn shall tearless be’.

    Revelation 21 verse 4…..

  16. emma
    Mar 04 - 7:32 pm

    Thanks Daphne – and wonderingsoul, your comment makes perfect sense :-)
    Kondwani – such a beautiful hymn: words to cling to

    – we’re back in a few weeks and will update after that. Your prayers are so appreciated

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