‘Sometimes they crowd His way and His sweet praises sing
Resounding all the day, hosannas to their King
Then, “Crucify!” is all their breath,
And for His death they thirst and cry’.
Heroes can’t afford to make mistakes. Or if they do, then quickly become villains: it’s amazing how quickly our love sours to hate.
No one understood this more than Jesus: whether it was the crowds who wanted to crown and then crucify, or the friends who swore blind they would stand by him…and then ran, naked from his presence. But despite this, Jesus was constant. From birth to death – and beyond – Jesus is constant. He poured Himself out and He continues to be poured out for me. And yet – so often, I think He’s like me. Fickle. Easily distracted or swayed. One day He loves me – but what if I mess up? If I let Him and myself down, if I’m depressed or faithless or addicted or lost? What then? Am I discarded like an old flame?
Jesus who went to the Cross, knowing that every one had abandoned Him, is the Lord who is still For me – and For you.
He will never change. And His love for us burns brighter than our doubts or mistakes.
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Thanks Emma – much needed reminder!
Exactly what I needed right now. Thank you Emma!
I hate hard days. They remind me of His Love, but I hate that it takes a hard day to reveal my great need for His great love. Thanks for the reminder, It’s been a hard day.