A New Name

arrow3 Comments

  1. Caroline
    Jul 18 - 12:47 am

    Watch it girlie!! You are swimming upstream here. The very medium you are using to expose this was created to foster the self focus and instant shallow comparisons you are trying to snatch away.

    The automatic tally of facebook “friends” and “likes” is but one example. With everyone so busy as a star of their own constantly running mini series, who is left to be a real friend? A real supporter, neighbor, buddy, pal, encourager, companion?

    As everyone is merely looking for new connections to bolster their own “profile”, who indeed has time to be molded into the image of Christ? Jesus, as you pointed out, couldn’t have cared less about his approval rating. His father’s opinion was the only opinion, and this freed him to obey and love, all the way to the cross.

    (I really hope you like this perspective : )

  2. Caroline
    Jul 18 - 1:05 am

    One more thing: My own fabulous kids are in the next room playing an old fashioned board game (the kind where people have to sit in the same room and actually talk to each other) and what am I doing?

    Precious minutes of life are ticking away and I am in the corner, hunched over a glowing device, pondering the meaning of my own name while I’m wait to see if any one responds to a blog entry I just wrote on another site.

    My children are living life, and I am waiting to see if any one likes me! For a moment it feels like relationship, but I am actually alone in my kitchen clicking away at a machine, hoping a stranger will think I’m ok. Is it just me or does any one else see this as creepy?

    Please respond…someone please respond…

  3. Emma
    Jul 18 - 11:51 am

    Hey Caroline! Just read this and it’s a great point. (LIKE!) Facebook, blogging etc can foster exactly this. That said, I’ve made some incredible and lasting friendships over the web – so both are possible.

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