A New Name

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  1. Dani
    Feb 26 - 1:14 pm

    Awww just read this, really needed to see this today, this week, month, year! Sometimes it is easy to see everyone else as having a story to tell but our own story is not worth sharing. Like you said, it’s hard to value our own experiences, they are more precious than we think and we are not the ones to assess why. Thanks Emma x

  2. Emma
    Feb 26 - 5:33 pm

    Absolutely. Everyone’s got a story. And they’re all powerful.

  3. Nick
    Mar 01 - 7:40 am

    One of the many, many great gifts God has given people like me is … you, with your story and your gift in sharing it. And one of the many, many great gifts you give your friends and your readership is your willingness to share your story (very often, as it unfolds). It takes humility to tell your story, warts and all, with all the ups and downs, and before the details of the glorious finale are fully known – thank you, Emma.

  4. Emma
    Mar 01 - 12:14 pm

    Thanks Nick.

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