Right Here, Right Now

you are hereGod is using us.

In this moment and in this place.

It’s hard to feel it when we’re not where we want to be. But it’s true: and that truth gives us strength to do what we can, where we can. Where we’ve been put.

A boring job.

A relationship where every conversation is a struggle.

A sick bed.

This is not where I belong.  This is not the way it was meant to be.

It hurts.

But when you’ve prayed about it and you’ve pushed on those doors and you’re still in the same place, you start to ask:

what if this is the answer to my prayer?

and what if, for the moment at least, this is exactly where I’m meant to be?


The disciple John, writing alone in a prison in Patmos.

The prophet Elijah, weeping in desperation and exhaustion on the floor of a cave.

The mother of Jesus, weeping at the foot of the cross.


Surrounded by bills and dirty nappies

Recovering from an eating disorder or an addiction

Queuing for another interview

Praying for a break.


God may change your situation. But this time is not a mistake. He is using it and He is using you. In His hands, nothing is wasted.


18 thoughts on “Right Here, Right Now

  1. Loving your posts as usual Emma. :) Yesterdays and todays have both really hit the nail on the head for me. Jesus has us exactly where he wants us. I love that…

    Can you help me out with my doubting brain though… where do we get this idea from in Scripture? Romans 8? Jesus on the cross? The idea that whatever God has for us now is his best. Spurgeon says ‘Had any other situation been better for you than the one you are in, divine love would have put you there…’ but my heart’s hungry for some bible evidence!

  2. Thanks Emma, a perfectly timed reminder for me! And you’re right, there are so many Bible examples I can look to, even when I can’t make sense of what God is doing in my own circumstances.

  3. I hate that you’re right. I hate that god has put me where I am. I hate the fact that his plan -this plan, this place, this time – could possibly be good. For me, for someone else. My plan seemed and seems so much better. But I know that one day – maybe not until I see Jesus again, but one day – I’ll see why it was better, why it was so important that at this crappy time I’ve got to be in this crappy place.

    Thanks, em. Xo

  4. Hi Cat – quite right to ask for the evidence! I guess I’m thinking mainly of 1 cor 7: everyone in this chapter wants to be in a different place to where they are; here’s a snapshot:

    17 Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. 18 Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. 19 Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commands is what counts. 20 Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.

    21 Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you—although if you can gain your freedom, do so. 22 For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave. 23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings. 24 Brothers and sisters, each person, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.

    But Scripture is also full of examples: and as you’ve said, the Cross is the ultimate example.

  5. I’m sorry it’s so hard J: and if you’re like me, when things are tough they feel wrong. But you’re right: one day we’ll see the why – and in the meantime, Jesus is with us and gives us grace for this moment. And it’s a real encouragement to know that you and I and others are standing in Him, even when it feels tough.

  6. Check out Genesis 45:5-7 with 50:20. Joseph uses two verbs of his trip to Egypt. Yes, his brothers sold him as a slave. Not good. But God sent him on ahead to save lives. The same dynamic is in play in Acts 2 where Peter tells the crowd “you killed Jesus” but also that “God delivered him up” as an atoning sacrifice.

    I wonder what verb God would use of what he is doing in all of our lives…

  7. I used to love love love Psalm 18 ‘As for God his way is perfect’. If I’m honest life has shaken me out of some of that. Perfect is a strong word. Can so many of the atrocities in the world really be described as perfect? Maybe I can believe that for myself, but how do I say that to a friend who’s been raped? Or struggled with seemingly meaningless depression for 10 years? I know I’m wading into theological waters here but I don’t want to disbelieve the truth but equally I don’t want to be trite about people’s suffering.

    Thankful for people’s ideas :)

  8. Great qs.

    “God’s way” is perfect. But we know that the world is groaning as in the pains of childbearing. Just because God redeems all things doesn’t mean all things are as they should be. In fact, because He redeems all things, it shows that all is not well.

    My dad’s a golfer and sometimes plays in tandem with others. He’s very good – wherever the other player hits the ball to, my dad can play it from there. In the same way, whatever position we find ourselves in, our Father can “play the ball from there.” The position might be horrendous and *very* far from perfect. But the answer is not always to be in a different position. We are where we are and our Father can be trusted *in* this situation to work all things together (through a very twisted and long term route) to good.

    (never though I’d use a golf analogy but hope it makes a bit of sense)

  9. Thanks so much Emma. I find 2 Cor 1:9 super helpful on this – This (lots of crap stuff) happened that you might not rely on yourself but on God who raises the dead. God raises the dead! And therefore we can rely on him to do the (arguably less difficult) task of redeeming our pain somehow for his glory and the good of the church (and therefore our good as well).

    It’s such radical news. We need to really flex our minds to believe it and tell others! I’m reading McCartney’s Why does it have to hurt? at the moment and it’s really encouraging. One thing it says is that if you suffer and you still cling onto Jesus that’s awesome because it demonstrates you really belong to him. Not in a ‘Well done you with amazing faith’ way but a ‘Look how tightly Jesus has you…he’s not going to let you go…not in this, not ever.’


  10. I’m loving your translation! Yes, to redeem all this stuff really is to bring life from death: a total miracle – but He has done it. Been reading Revelation and it’s another reminder of Jesus triumphs over death and suffering and the enemy – but also of the suffering that happens now. x

  11. Hi Emma! This is something I really needed to hear–so much of my time, battling two eating disorders simultaneously, I have found myself constantly questioning what exactly is going on in my life and why God has put me in the place that I’m in–especially as I’ve been stuck here for so long. Thank you for the encouragement, it’s great to have the reality, rather than the ‘glossed over’ version that tells us what we’re going through is “nothing”, compared to what God has planned for us. Yes, his plans for us a truly great, but they might just be rooted in the struggles we’re facing in the here and now… Thanks so much for all your posts!

  12. Thank you Rachel: and well done for fighting these EDs. There is hope; even though it’s painful now. Praying for you x

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