the most important thing in life is not to get hurt.
I’m such an idiot I may as well take refuge in the things that I know hurt me.
if anyone rejects me I must be unlovable.
I’m like this because I was born this way.
other people must meet my needs.
if I can’t do it perfectly, it’s better not to try.
I can’t be happy unless I get exactly what I want
if I don’t do it, it won’t be done/done right.
if I make a mistake, God won’t help me.
I must burn myself out to deserve any rest.
I have to control every aspect of my circumstances to be happy.
If I’m not happy I’m a bad Christian.
making a wrong decision makes me a stupid and a loser.
if someone criticises me, they dislike me and mean me harm.
I must do X because otherwise I might be judged.
God wants me to work harder.
If I hurt other people’s feelings, I am always to blame.
I am loved by God.
I am precious.
Life involves taking risks.
it’s hard to get hurt, but it doesn’t destroy me.
I have choices.
I can change.
It’s okay if not everyone likes me.
God wants me to rest.
Mistakes aren’t always bad: and God will help me, no-matter what.
I’m not in control, but God is and He can be trusted.
I won’t always feel like this.
I have hope and a future.
Really needed this. x