Seeing Through The Sneers

large_putting-off-cynicismI’m tired of cynicism. Propping up the bar, all dark and self-conscious. You’re cool mate, but you’re miserable too.

Standing back and passing judgement.

Stamping on Shrugging at other people’s parades.

Sneering, ‘it’ll never work. The world’s not like that.”

Refusing to ever see the good.

Well, forget it. It’s been fun…well – interesting, while it lasted.  But I’ve met someone new. Someone you know.

Hope.  Yeah, her.

The one we used to laugh at.

“Unfashionable and embarrassing,” we said. “Hopelessly naive.”  “Moonbeams and unicorns and everything is lovely lalalalalalala.”

We were wrong. She knows it’s not lovely. She sees it as much as you.

But while you lean back, Hope leans in. While you roll your eyes, Hope asks questions.

While you turn off, Hope engages. Sticks her neck out. Makes a fuss. Shouts and feels. Laughs too loud. Cries hot, snotty tears. Wears the wrong shoes and dances in them. LIVES.

I want to live too.

I’m tired of pretending I don’t care.  I do; I do; I do. And I’d rather feel it and stretch for it and fail, than be too scared to try.

So.  I’ll see you around.  I’ll wave and be polite.  But I’m with Hope. Not just watching, but taking part.


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9 thoughts on “Seeing Through The Sneers

  1. Thanks for this hopeful message :)
    Also, I’ve been wanting to tell you for months how grateful I am that your blog exists!

  2. I’m joining you.
    It’s a risk… and it could make me look stupid… or, worse still, it could be incredibly painful.
    But I’m still with you guys.


  3. No hope is actually a very dark place, and to be honest, sometimes we can’t find it in ourselves or in circumstances as we see it. When every time we’ve tried, nothing has changed. To date my situation often seems absolutely hopeless, to me for sure. The funny thing is that when we reach out- to God or sometimes to others in our utter hopelessness something happens; I often find I bless others as they realise they are not alone, but also it gives God a chance to step in and offer a different perspective. Strangely and wonderfully we are no longer alone, and that in itself is SO hopeful. Today, for the first time in a while I poked my nose in the Bible and read Romans 15: 13. Just seemed mighty fitting for your post. x

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