Jesus said it would be hard and that we have an enemy who wants to make us give up. So if you’re feeling discouraged, don’t be surprised.
- When the serpent tells you ‘it’s pointless’, fight back. God knew that the dog would throw up and a friend would disappoint you. Lean on Him and He will give you what you need for right now.
- The world is broken. Our bodies; our brains; our relationships; our bathrooms! But the broken fridge will not matter in eternity. In the new creation you won’t feel depressed. And in the now, Jesus is with us and will bring us through.
- Don’t despise where you are and what you’re doing. The Lord needs His people in every place, and He will use you. So whether you’re changing nappies, fitting kitchens, studying, or taking a break; it matters.
- Check your vitals. Sleep, food, exercise, Bible, community, prayer. We’re connected people, so when our bodies are weak, our thinking often suffers…and vice-versa.
- Don’t give up on church or the bible or prayer – but be realistic about what you can do. Go back to the passages you love. Talk to those who understand and will give you support. Cry out and know that the Spirit shapes our faltering words.
- Look at your fingers. Each one is a miracle, and utterly unique. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who doesn’t do mistakes,
- Thank God for one thing. Write it down. Look for more; and keep on adding.
- Encourage someone else. A smile or a thank-you or a note. You are a blessing.
- The love you’re looking for is already yours. ‘See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands.’ Is 49:16. In the strength of this love, step forwards.
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Really needed this one. Emma, thank you.
So often your posts are just balm to my soul. Yet again, your words speak right into my here and now. Thank you
Thanks for encouraging me!
What a blessing you are. A difficult week for me historically, it’s so nice to find you here.
#1- Feeling both discouraged, and confused. And yes, I should not be surprised.
#2- He did know, YES! He knew it all.
#3- Ha ha, my fridge IS broken!! All my fresh veggies have been freezing.
#4- Despising (or at least questioning) where I am, yes, that’s me too.
#3 – !!! Praying for you to be encouraged sister.