- I’m listening for as long as you want to talk.
- How does/did it feel telling me?
- I’m so glad you shared this. That can’t have been easy and it means a lot that you trust me.
- Can you explain a little more about X? I want to make sure I understand what you’re saying.
- This doesn’t change how much I care about you and our friendship.
- This doesn’t change how much God loves you and is committed to you.
- I don’t have quick or easy answers, but I’m committed to supporting you as best I can; I’d love to hear how I can do this if you have ideas.
- Things change. I can’t promise they’ll immediately get better but if you look back at your life you’ll see — problems shift, people shift, we shift, prayers are answered.
- There is a way through. For a Christian the worst thing is never the last thing. We have hope.
- I don’t know much about X, can you tell me about it?
- I don’t know about X, but I will find out more.
- I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this.
- What might God be doing in you through this?
- Even if you don’t have hope for your future right now, I do.
- None of us have got it together. That’s where the gospel begins!
- There is hope and help. That’s where the gospel leads!
- Does anyone else know? What other support are you getting?
- I’d be happy to talk about this again. How would you feel if X was there?
- Unless I feel you’re in danger, I won’t share this information without your consent.
- Would you like me to pray for us?
Image source
3 (recent family surgery thingy), 6, 9, 12, 15, 16, 20 (tho what you actually say is “praying for you”) – Things Emma Has Said (to me) Before ;-)
Thank you for living out your own advice & practicing what you preach xxx