A New Name

arrow12 Comments

  1. Victoria Stone
    Nov 05 - 6:59 pm

    Oh I needed to read this today! I often think oh I’m just at home with the kids- I’m not- it’s so much more!!

  2. Dee
    Nov 06 - 12:47 pm

    AWWW. I hope I didn’t come across too dampener/humblebrag (zero intent, acknowledge on hindsight how it might have been put across – sorry if I came across that way ?) about the 10k! I walked the first 2k (cos, trudge along the path sleepily, it was 6.30am and I woke up too early and was still only half awake then lol) and then the last 2k as well hahaha. The latter cos everyone was converging to finish and it felt like 5millionpeople were there in too narrow a pathway lol.

    HMMM you can always feel free to add “encouraged Dee” to your list ;-) I’m not sure how in the midst of keeping two small beings alive (lol I can’t, let’s be honest ?), also keeping a pet alive, cooking/shopping/chores, and being tiredexhaustedmom after ALL OF THAT, you still find time/space to read/reply/encourage amidst the tiny whiny things I say (not a spelling error for “teeny weeny”, I *do* mean whining over small things ?)

    You SAHM-ed, Emma! that’s what you did – and I think that’s fab (in addition to being my friend too of course. Which is also fab.) hugs x

  3. Erin
    Nov 06 - 5:25 pm

    Needed this today and randomly stumbled on the content- thank you!

  4. Emma
    Nov 06 - 6:45 pm

    You’re very welcome!

  5. Emma
    Nov 06 - 6:45 pm

    Amen to that

  6. Emma
    Nov 06 - 6:46 pm

    Thanks Dee x

  7. Graham Carrington
    Nov 06 - 8:14 pm

    This reminds me of a lyric in a song by Keane, ‘the way I feel’, often the smallest steps are big. ” And they say that you should move on But you can’t even get your shoes on”

  8. bill (cycleguy)
    Nov 07 - 2:18 pm

    As a man and a pastor it is easy for me to be “critical.” I’m not since we have been married for 46 years and my wife is retired (that means she keeps getting tired). But she is a fantastic mate and supporter (although she would like me to slow down and retire…but I can’t $$$). She gets her stuff done (sometimes) and then likes to sit and veg. She has worked for many years outside the home, helped raise to fantastic daughters and has been a great supporter of my ministry. You have helped here, Emma, by showing a women’s work is never done and needs to be recognized.

  9. Emma
    Nov 07 - 5:47 pm

    Thanks Bill and Graham

  10. […] felt like you’ve not ‘achieved’ much today? Great blog post by Emma Scrivener – read […]

  11. […] ‘What did you do today?’ – this is brilliant from Emma Scrivener […]

  12. Macmumma
    Nov 10 - 9:56 pm

    So true! A great read, thank you.
    “Faithfulness does not feel like what it is accomplishing.” Rachel Jankovic, You Who?

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