A New Name

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  1. Howard
    Jul 03 - 4:13 pm

    Nicely put, Emma – it’s all about intimacy. As one modern verse put it, ‘if I can love you, why can’t I touch you?’ (love here,meaning sex). Anything worth doing well between us involves a form of connection which is costly because it means genuinely giving of ourselves, and that’s something we usually run from because (experience often shows) we’ll get painfully hurt. Only genuine love makes a difference.

  2. Caroline
    Jul 03 - 9:12 pm

    “no area of life or marriage that is off-limits” AMEN!
    Everything else we share with a spouse we can actually find outside marriage without sinning: friendship, fun, conversation, understanding, etc. But in this one area we are bound to find fulfillment with only one other person. Add to this all the baggage we drag in that we sometimes don’t even know about. Dan Allender calls this a “crowd” that follows us all into what should be a most private place, the marriage bed. False teachings, body shame, pornography, past abuse, promiscuity, they all have voices and do their best to shout down the love song we should be hearing. Allender says there will be no peace until we throw out the “crowd” by dealing with them and not ignoring them.
    You can dissociate into a “good” sex life, but it takes vulnerability and love (Christ’s love) to find that healing intimacy that paints the picture of Christ and his church.

  3. Caroline
    Jul 03 - 10:29 pm

    Just read Glens post. You guys are going to love Mike Mason (if you haven’t already found him). After “The Mystery of Marriage” try “Practicing the presence of people”

  4. Emma
    Jul 04 - 6:52 pm

    The Mystery of Marriage landed on my doorstep today! Will let you know how I get on..

  5. Hannah
    Jul 07 - 8:04 am

    Really helpful! Something that is needed to be spoken about, sex after marriage, there’s more talk about sex before marriage.

  6. Emma
    Jul 07 - 4:37 pm

    Good point – why do you think that is?

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