We’re reviewing Cycle 2: What Went Wrong, (tagline: ‘The Final Chapter?’)
Mad scientist consultant. His desperate, inexorable search for progress has blunted his social skills and made him crazy with power.
Hickster Fundamentalist Christians. Comedy couple – reared by dingos in the outback/potato farmers in Peat bog land. Him: Nice Vicar who Finishes Last. Her: Feisty Irish Rose Nettle with Big Gob.
Nurse with Heart of Gold (winces/emits spontaneous clucking noises when Mad Scientist opens his mouth).
The setting: shady multinational, specialising in cutting-edge (but what do they do in them?) laboratories
Plot so far: Baby Dilemma: They’ve tried and failed with DIY and NHS. Do they now succumb to the dark side: LexCorp (Private Health)?
Our rating: **
Cliched sequel that means well but is never really resolved. Ultimately the viewer can’t be sure what sort of film it is. Is it a lovable comedy with light-hearted twists, (‘Whoops we lost your child! Never mind – let’s try again!) Or a maternal melodrama, questioning the mental health of all involved? Have they lost a baby – or was it just in their minds?
Verdict: Well-intentioned but ultimately unsatisfying.
Next week: Transformers 27, Dogs with Guns and Quantum of Cheese.
Sorry. I’ll bet that was really hard. How are the feisty Irish Nettle and her nice last-finishing Vicar doing today?
Thanks! Still stinging slightly (harhar), but doing okay. x