Shameless Plug

EatingDisorders_Cover.inddI’ve written a wee booklet about eating disorders, published by the folks at Day One. Here’s the blurb:

More than 1.6 million people in the UK suffer from diagnosed or undiagnosed eating disorders – and 14-25 year olds are most affected. What does the Bible say about this issue? If we’re struggling ourselves, how can we move forward? If we’re caring for others, how can we help? In this short booklet aimed at both sufferers and carers, Emma
Scrivener looks at how eating disorders work – and how Jesus offers hope.

If you’re interested, you can get it here, priced £2.50.

4 thoughts on “Shameless Plug

  1. Hi Emma,
    Just wanted to say thank you so much for this fab little booklet. I’ve just read it and it’s so helpful and encouraging, both practically and spiritually, pointing us back to Jesus and the gospel of grace.

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