40 Fun Freebies

Great things to do for free…

1. go to the library and read their newspapers

2. Check out sites like FilmFirst.com which offer free film screenings (in your area) if you register

3. fly a kite

4. jigsaws, cards, board games

5. make a scrapbook for a friend

6. put together a collage of old photos

7. look at your community website/notice-board for events

8. download some podcasts (I’m a sucker for Radio 4 – Rock n’Roll, eh?)

9. have a tea party

10. make a list of goals.  Maybe even do a few of them…

11. have a  film festival –  pick a theme and get friends to bring food or stuff to watch

12. learn a new language (get tapes from library or download lessons for free)

13. camp indoors

14.write to someone you love and tell them why

15. research your family tree (e.g; at geanealogy.com)

16. make Christmas presents or cards

17. start a diary

18. volunteer at your local charity shop.  Babysit a friend’s child or pet.

19. join or start a book group

20. organise a clothes swap with friends

21. clean out something you’ve been putting off

22. check out new music at a site like lastfm.com

23. research a topic you’ve always wanted to know more about.  (My mum is currently learning French and doing a course in stocks and shares!)

24. have a picnic (indoors or outdoors)

25. look at the stars

26. have a cupboard dinner.  (Invent something from whatever you/your friends need to use up)

27. watch a sunset

28. go to a park and play on the swings (with or without kids)

29. start a compost heap or a worm farm (why not?)

30. have a lights out night. Turn out the lights, light candles or use torches and tell stories

31. collect unusual stones or shells or leaves

32. make fudge

33. go foraging

34. volunteer as a hair model

35. learn a bit of the Bible

36. browse a book or music store

37. grow an indoor garden

38. write and illustrate a book

39. twister

40. download a film from somewhere like bbciplayer

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