A New Name

arrow10 Comments

  1. Faith Hope Love (My New Name)
    Nov 01 - 5:57 pm

    Wow Emma. Thanks again for being so honest about your World, your struggles & your victories. You make me laugh & you let me cry. You constantly inspire me and encourage me. And you always point me to Jesus. I’m so proud to call you my friend. Thanks for letting me in, my World is made richer through knowing you x

  2. emma
    Nov 01 - 6:59 pm

    Aah, that’s lovely! Works both ways sister. x

  3. RichP
    Nov 01 - 7:10 pm

    A brave post, in a world that isn’t so gracious. Don’t we long to be okay on our own, but how freeing – difficult, hard, but freeing – to have a God that allows you to admit ‘I’m not okay’.

    “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness”.

    Thanks Emma, God’s blessings to you.

  4. Kate Pymble
    Nov 01 - 8:06 pm

    Emma – this was such an inspirational read…Praising God for you this evening as I read it x Your honesty is a gift x

  5. Birdbrain2007
    Nov 01 - 11:10 pm

    Dear Emma, I wonder how many people feel like performing at mealtimes like a dancing seal? I suspect MANY and few people brave to admit it.

    You’re great :)

  6. Ben
    Nov 02 - 12:27 pm

    Great post, Emma. I know what you mean about people monitoring how you behave around things and feeling ‘watched’. For me, it’s around alcohol and drinking situations because I haven’t taken a drink for nearly two years after living in that struggle of never knowing when to stop for quite a while. So now I don’t take that first drink.

    Yet, it’s like there’s a discussion whenever I’m not around “is he? isn’t he? why hasn’t he been out for a while? why’s he so grumpy/rude? etc.” going through people’s minds, or at least that’s the way it feels to me. And then when I’m out with friends whole occasion becomes about me (in my head) and what I am or am not doing , as usual.

    I find these situations and my perceptions of them hard to navigate – because they’re so new and uncharted to me as a sober person!

    But you’re so right, there’s so much for me to agree with in your post: recovery is a process and one that I’ll be going through for my whole life. It IS about the baby steps and learning to accept and live with our realities as they are today.



  7. Elena
    Nov 02 - 2:43 pm

    Thank you for being so honest, Emma. Yes, it makes you vulnerable – but more than that, it makes you very, very beautiful.

  8. Jo Royal
    Nov 02 - 4:31 pm

    Hey Emma, I actually read this post yesterday but was actually lost for words after reading it! I admire your honesty, and love the beauty of your writing. And then – on a totally different note – you used ‘familial’ – I LOVE that word – it is up there with autumnal and equidistant!! :) An interesting, informative and thought provoking post. Thank you!

  9. Emma
    Nov 02 - 6:01 pm

    Rich, Kate, Birdbrain, Elena and Jo

    Thanks for being so kind and taking the time to comment – you are lovely.

  10. Emma
    Nov 02 - 6:08 pm

    Hi Ben

    Thanks so much for writing. It’s a powerful reminder that although the shape of our struggles may be different, our hearts look the same. I really appreciate your encouragement.

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