Thanks Mate

So often I look at my life and think it’s a total mess, and nothing will ever change.  But that’s not true – for me, or for you. It is changing – and it has changed…it’s just that, stuck in the detail, that’s hard to see.

I think this is one reason why God puts us in community. I know you struggle.    Me too!  But our friendship matters.  Not because you’ve got solutions or brilliant advice. Because you’re messy.  Because you’re real. Because when we talk I feel valued. I’m not by myself. And when you share your life with me, you’re entrusting me with things that can be broken – and have been in the past. I’ll be careful with them. I can’t glue them back, but I won’t drop them either.

When I look at you, I see someone beautiful.  Don’t laugh – I want you to hear this. I’m not fooled by the masks or the make-up. (To be honest, they were never that convincing – not to me, or other people.  But we needed them, at least to start with). You’re very brave.  It’s hard to keep going and it’s hard to keep hoping – but you’re still here and underneath the mess, something wonderful is happening. You can’t see it, but I can.  And it’s a privilege to be a part.

I don’t think either of us will be sorted this side of heaven… but that’s ok: I don’t think anyone is. Yet when we look at our old solutions and see they’re not working and feel like we can’t go on: that’s the beginning of hope – not the end.  It’s what Paul wrote: “this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.” (2 Corinthians 1:9)  On my own, I’m never brave enough to face my weakness.  But together we can trust the God who works when we’re at the end of ourselves.


4 thoughts on “Thanks Mate

  1. Happy Reformation Day !!!

    So many people I can praise our Lord for, like Luther who was seen as rebel by the religious of the day.
    Or when I hear a great sermon and Christ is magnified in my heart, I can praise God for the preacher.
    But many times, the people that I praise Him for, are the same ones that I call friends…”Thanks Mate”

  2. Than so much for this, Emma (and for a lot of the other stuff you write!) I’ve been following your blog for a while and have found your honesty and openness to be a real encouragement. I’m going to share this piece with a couple of lovely friends who’ve seen behind my mask and have kept on loving me. Maybe they’ve also helped me to drop the mask a little too……
    Also wanted to thank you for speaking at the Women’s Convention last month. Your story is a massive encouragement to so many of us


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