So often I look at my life and think it’s a total mess, and nothing will ever change. But that’s not true – for me, or for you. It is changing – and it has changed…it’s just that, stuck in the detail, that’s hard to see.
I think this is one reason why God puts us in community. I know you struggle. Me too! But our friendship matters. Not because you’ve got solutions or brilliant advice. Because you’re messy. Because you’re real. Because when we talk I feel valued. I’m not by myself. And when you share your life with me, you’re entrusting me with things that can be broken – and have been in the past. I’ll be careful with them. I can’t glue them back, but I won’t drop them either.
When I look at you, I see someone beautiful. Don’t laugh – I want you to hear this. I’m not fooled by the masks or the make-up. (To be honest, they were never that convincing – not to me, or other people. But we needed them, at least to start with). You’re very brave. It’s hard to keep going and it’s hard to keep hoping – but you’re still here and underneath the mess, something wonderful is happening. You can’t see it, but I can. And it’s a privilege to be a part.
I don’t think either of us will be sorted this side of heaven… but that’s ok: I don’t think anyone is. Yet when we look at our old solutions and see they’re not working and feel like we can’t go on: that’s the beginning of hope – not the end. It’s what Paul wrote: “this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.” (2 Corinthians 1:9) On my own, I’m never brave enough to face my weakness. But together we can trust the God who works when we’re at the end of ourselves.
Spot on, Amy. In the future, we’ll have each other in Jesus – that pretty much defines eternal life.
Amy? Where did that come from? Please read ‘Emma’ (and forgive the messy mistake).
Happy Reformation Day !!!
So many people I can praise our Lord for, like Luther who was seen as rebel by the religious of the day.
Or when I hear a great sermon and Christ is magnified in my heart, I can praise God for the preacher.
But many times, the people that I praise Him for, are the same ones that I call friends…”Thanks Mate”
Than so much for this, Emma (and for a lot of the other stuff you write!) I’ve been following your blog for a while and have found your honesty and openness to be a real encouragement. I’m going to share this piece with a couple of lovely friends who’ve seen behind my mask and have kept on loving me. Maybe they’ve also helped me to drop the mask a little too……
Also wanted to thank you for speaking at the Women’s Convention last month. Your story is a massive encouragement to so many of us