No More Shame

in the light of the fridge and the debris of your binge

you are not condemned

when you’ve got your fingers down your throat and you’re weeping in despair

you are not condemned

when you’ve cut yourself again tho you swore you never would

you are not condemned

before the lies have left your lips, tho you’re spitting in anger and there’s murder in your heart

you are not condemned

when you’re cold and faithless and feel a million miles from God

you are not condemned

when you’re too crushed to lift your head and you feel you can’t go on

you are not condemned

when you’ve been used and abused – when you’re naked and exposed – and every man cries ‘shame’

you are not condemned

when the past accuses

and the present threatens

and you feel there is no future

you are not condemned.

Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 

 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.

Rom 8:33-4






14 thoughts on “No More Shame

  1. A wonderful reminder of our stance before the Father – unjudged, because Jesus was judged for us. :)

  2. How I wish the church would REALLY get this, instead of drip-feeding just enough law (dressed as gospel) to inoculate us to the murder of our own self-righteousness, and thereby detach us from our total need of Christ alone! Why do we keep bouncing the onus back to our side of the fence – to what we do/don’t do, when it’s D O N E in Jesus! We must get this, must revel in it, must have it the core of all our songs, our prayers, our preaching – it’s CHRIST in us that is the hope – nothing else. Thank you, Emma.

  3. Argh, isn’t Jesus so kind!? How can we resist him when he’s like that to a sinner like me! Thanks for proclaiming him, Emma!

  4. Thanks guys.

    Kerrycakes: I hear you when you say you can’t believe this for yourself; because I feel the same way. But our feelings tell us lies and they’ll destroy us if we let them. The truth is that we are not condemned because Jesus took our condemnation on Himself. Even when we hate ourselves and screw up in the most appalling ways – in Jesus we are holy, precious and dearly dearly loved. That’s the gospel. You are beautiful – because He says so. x

  5. Was just sitting and starting to feel overwhelmed with helplessness when I decided to check your blog. This was just what I needed. I can’t believe it today, but I hope these words stay with me until I can.
    Thank you.

  6. Emma. thankyou for your encouragement. i just feel so seperated from everything at the moment, that it feels like even someone as powerful as Jesus cannot reach me. i know i have begun isolating myself, i didn’t realise till today in group therapy, when i actually caught myself doing it. but then a big voice was telling me i deserve to be alone, i deserve no help, and that i am just evil. am going to talk about it in individual therapy in the morning, and i know people are getting conserned, but i don’t know how to stop. on a plus note, my bf is really understanding and instead of doing what most people do, which is lecture and demand i eat, he was just like, if you feel you want to, then do it, and if you can’t then we will try again. and because of his understanding and patience, i was able to eat a semi ordinary dinner, and feel ok doing it. so, yeah. ups as well as downs.

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