Has not yet started.
Perhaps for you – but not yet for me.
I’m not ready to step onto it. I’d rather watch and shrink back and wait for it to pass.
Already I’m sick of it. Weary. Heartheavy.
Toppled by whispers.
I need some hope. And a fresh start.
1. Learn to Love Myself. If I stop wasting time on other people, I’ll unlock a valuable reservoir of energy that is currently sucking me dry.
2. Update My Make-Up. If my skin is flawless, my life will be too.
3. Have An Affair. It’s selfish of Glen to expect me to tie myself to one man. I deserve better.
4. De-clutter My Home. It’s cramping my psychic energy to have towels that don’t match.
Or… Or…
Ever noticed how the bible never says Jesus gives us a refuge? He is a refuge. But that feels less comfy than a new hair colour or a to-do list. In fact, sometimes His refuge feels downright scary and exposed.
Not sure what’s going to give me feelings of peace and security. But I do know what won’t. And I know that pursuing those things will only lead to more crazy. The Bible says Jesus has me. And that’s got to be enough.