This Life
Is Anyone out there NOT Pregnant?
I jest. (hahahaha). But seriously.
STOP. HAVING. BABIES. At least until I get one. Or shave the cat and stick her in a pram.
It’s an epidemic. My parents have just been to visit and when mum said she’d something to tell me (new brand of loo cleaner), my stomach lurched. Thankfully, no. The world has more than enough Sloans already, (and if they’d asked my advice (as firstborn), I’d have stopped at one).
When things get painful, I run into sarcasm’s easy arms. But there’s a serious point. When there’s something you really, really want and it really isn’t happening, how do you cope? How do you live – in the moment – with gratitude, instead of yearning it all away?
This is where the post ends. As usual, I got questions and no answers.
…But here’s something. It’s not just me. All of us have wants. Things we pray about, things that are good – but aren’t happening.
couples everywhere, when you long for a partner
successful careers when you’re pushing pencils
singles, leading life to the full, while you’re trapped at home
shops filled with the things you need, but can’t afford
happy families, when yours is a mess.
That thing that’s missing: whatever it is – can take over your life. You see it, everywhere you go. You think about it, when you wake and when you sleep.
Stop. Wherever you are, whatever you got, it’s precious. You are loved and you make a difference. Maybe not to a husband or a child or a multimedia corporation. But to the people who love you and the God who will never leave you.
Don’t waste the life you’ve got, waiting for the one you want. There’s beauty in the one you have.
I’m not (pregnant, that is). And I’ve just got a new job, so can’t/ shouldn’t be for the next few months either! If it helps, I feel like a real brat to be wanting something i don’t have rather than being thankful for something good i have just been given!
Congrats on your new job Jo!
I think like Paul says, thankfulness is something we gotta learn – discontentment comes naturally. Thankfully God knows what we’re like and He helps us: whether that’s bringing comfort in grief, or gently challenging us to see with different eyes.
I’m not pregnant!
:-)! In all seriousness, it’s lovely to hear that my friends are pregnant; and I’m so thankful for their support and sensitivity. Also that we can share in church family life!
I’m not pregnant, or married, and don’t really want kids…and yet I’m finding it really irritating all my friends that are currently pregnant…especially those on baby 3, don’t they realise 2 is plenty…
Maybe deep inside my brain, disagrees with my choices…
I. So. Get. This. We are so blessed with 2 little girls, but one of them got real sick at 9 weeks old a few months back. She now has a heart complication as a result. We are learning to be thankful and grateful and know how blessed we are to still have her (we nearly lost her) but its still hard not to wish, long that her previously perfectly healthy body had not been attacked by that awful disease. God is good. He is faithful. He allows these seasons to make us more like him. That’s what we need to preach to ourselves every day… Keep preaching it to yourself, sister. Much, much love xx
I’m not pregnant either. I recognise that feeling though. A colleague visited work with her new baby today and I had a little cuddle and then a little cry in the loos. :(
But, yeah, thankfulness for now, could do practising with that. Thanks for the reminder.
Completely relate to this – thank you for putting it so helpfully!!
Thanks so much It’s easy to think everyone else has it better, but as Claire reminds us, there’s sadness in the blessings we long for too. And it’s a relief to know someone else does the ‘loo cry’.. xxx
I am not pregnant and all my closest friends seem to be. I dread the next scan photo going up on facebook from those who i had counted on to also remain childless! Every time someone announces they too have been ‘blessed’, i feel another stab to my heart. It becomes harder to be content with what I HAVE been given. IHarder to be happy for everyone else. Wanting to hide and build up walls to protect myself frm the next blow. Wondering what on earth i did to be abandoned to this life situation and why God gives others this blessing so freely (like the good friend who just got pregnant with number 4). Although paralysed with pain, it is good to receive comfort in knowing I am not the only one. Can’t get much further along than that right now though.
Praying for you P. x