A New Name

arrow13 Comments

  1. Fiona Merrick
    Jan 13 - 6:33 pm

    Praying for you, dear Emma. Sending love xxx

  2. Alice
    Jan 13 - 6:48 pm

    Oh I am so sorry to read this. I will pray.

  3. Nick & Katy
    Jan 13 - 7:45 pm

    Lots of love, you both, lots of love – we are praying for you.

  4. jan
    Jan 13 - 8:01 pm

    Hi…just to say we know how it feels to be on the Fertility bandwagon. it is your whole world right now so hang in there while you are on this rollercoaster. but there is also another world off the rollercoaster and whatever happens you will feel better than this..really..you will …God is with you even though you cant see it and He is bigger than any of it…but you have to feel this helpless for a bit. Try and take control of what you can meantime..even just choosing what you do read or watch on tv or eat…praying you will feel His Arms x

  5. David Baker
    Jan 13 - 8:06 pm

    Ahh… I do feel for you both so deeply.

    We are here if there is anything we can do — or if you just want to be somewhere / with someone, without anything being said.

    Much love.

  6. Dawn
    Jan 13 - 8:23 pm

    “…underneath are the everlasting arms…” – from Deuteronomy 33v27

    Much love, and prayers. xx

  7. Esther
    Jan 13 - 9:58 pm

    I’m so sorry

  8. Annabel barber
    Jan 13 - 10:35 pm

    So sorry. Anything i try to write will sound trite. But know that people care what happens to you. And will carry you in prayer. Xx

  9. timo
    Jan 13 - 11:00 pm

    ..apparently that is the burden of the Gospel…that at your point of maximum pain or hurt or anguish, Jesus is there having drawn near to you, but i bet like all of us, the pain feels far nearer to you than Jesus? Maybe i should not have attempted to write this, as you have already concurred with this one.

  10. Esther
    Jan 13 - 11:13 pm

    Yes, we do care very much what happens to you guys, and sometimes it is maybe hard to fully communicate that over the internet – but it Is true – and we are holding you up in prayer and in love, xxxx somehow you are not alone…

  11. Emma
    Jan 14 - 7:08 pm

    Thank you so much. xxx

  12. The Vicar's Wife
    Jan 14 - 7:14 pm

    Praying you would continue to know his shelter in your sadness. Psalm 27:5 xxx

  13. A New Song | A New Name
    Aug 14 - 5:36 pm

    […] We’ve been through several modified cycles of IVF (see posts here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). It’s been a hard time, but we’ve known the Lord and you (our friends […]

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