Losing Your Grip?

rain roomIf you’re a Christian, but you develop a mental illness, does your changed behaviour mean you’re no longer saved?

If you start swearing uncontrollably – filthy language you’d never have dreamed of using.

If you have problems controlling your behaviour: perhaps mania, racking up debts on items you’ll never use.

If you deliberately put yourself in positions where you can be harmed. Promiscuity.  Risk-taking.  Things that look like utter madness to those who care for you: yet feel impossible to resist.

If you’re depressed and suicidal.  You know the gospel – but you’re utterly despairing and you just can’t hope.

If you’re obsessed by disturbing thoughts you can’t control.  Fears about harming those you love: dark thoughts about damnation, that need endless rituals to keep them in check.

At these points, does Jesus let go of your hand? Is there a line you cross, where He says ‘let them go’?


You’re not saved by your works: and you’re not condemned by them either.

If you were – what would you say about the dementia patient who loses their grip in their final years? Or the victim of severe head injuries who can no longer remember anything of Christ? Or the severely handicapped who can never articulate faith the way the rest of us can?

Thank God our Christian lives are about His grip of us, not our grip of Him.

Jesus has hold of us at our worst.  And at our worst, He loves us.




7 thoughts on “Losing Your Grip?

  1. Thanks Emma. See, that’s what scares me most. I do things so against God it’s unreal – things that make me hate myself to be honest. And I wonder how God can ever accept me. At its worst, I can’t pray, I can’t read the bible, I can’t trust – I’m too ashamed and too wrapped up in it all. Just seems so unChristian, I can’t see how God could possibly want me.

  2. That is amazing, and so true. Our relationship with God is guaranteed not by us or our behaviour, but by Christ and what he did.

    Speaking as the husband of someone who suffers from extreme anxiety and aggressive mood swings though, it strains my faith enormously. I’m not there to “fix” her, or to be her therapist. I’m just there to love her, despite having a personality for better or for worse of my own. It isn’t easy.

  3. A long quote but one I hope might help you, Lizzi:
    “Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
    “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe in Him and receive eternal life.” 1Tim1:13-16

    Paul – who helped spread the Gospel and helped build the church – who wrote so much of the New Testament – claims he was “the worst sinner”. If God can accept him, He can accept you. He wants to accept you. “We all like sheep have gone astray….” BUT “…The Lord has laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all”.

    I heard this sermon yesterday. There is no righteousness in us, but there is in Christ.
    Again, it may or may not help. http://www.stpeterstw.com/talks.html (it’s the last talk: Romans 1:8-17 Mike Warren 04.05.14 – sorry the recording is poor, but there’s quality in its message I think)

  4. Hi Lizzi,

    The good news is that Jesus loves us even when we feel a million miles from that love. That doesn’t make us “feel it” necessarily but it does mean that we’re secure even when we’re completely “unChristian.” After all God justifies the wicked! (Romans 4:5) That includes us both!

    Amen Emma and David

  5. Thank God its not about us. Jesus was clearly full of compassion especially for those suffering. I have had Depression and been a carer also. It us the toughest battle you will have for your Faith as mental illness attacks mind and emotions. And also as a carer you need huge resilience and Faith to love and support someone through this type of illness. That’s why we sing about Grace being Amazing!!! It’s all about Jesus goodness not ours ,and He will and does supply Grave one day at a time. Nothing you can do it say will ever make him give up in you or love you any less. Yes He is there even when you can’t feel/see/believe in Him …he UNDERSTANDS. Just hold on and hopefully you have some folks who can have Faith for you when yours us low. But Gid doesn’t need you to prove how much you believe ..He us there anyway. J xx

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