Headlines and bylines

headlineI was reading recently, that’s there sometimes friction on newspapers between the foreign and domestic correspondents. Foreign reporters cover the news on a global scale: wars, famine, genocide – right on their doorstep. But they have to compete for space on the page with the (slightly duller) home news: duck races, local elections and, (a recent Eastbourne headline): ‘Vicious seagull stole my chips’.

There can be parallels with our Christian lives – or at least mine. Too often the headlines are eclipsed by the bylines.  The earth-shattering, eternal cosmic truths:

‘Christ is Lord!’

‘Sin and death are defeated!’

‘Nothing can separate us from God’s love’

‘There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus’

– are eclipsed by the local news:

‘I hate my body’

‘The boiler’s leaking’

‘I don’t have time to do this report’

‘The kids are late for school – again’.

Don’t get me wrong: it’s not that the local news doesn’t matter. It does: and God cares about our joints and boilers and work and families, just as He cares for Obama and Syria and global warming.


in the context of world news and in the light of gospel realities,  our struggles are given context and a perspective. They’re not random or insignificant. They’re part of a bigger picture and a bigger hope and a bigger purpose than we can see.

Just as God created and sustained the world, so He can be trusted to feed and sustain us.

Just as Jesus has overcome the forces of cosmic evil, so He fights for us – in the trenches of our hearts and minds and lives.

Just as He is Lord over despots and dictators – He rules in the classroom and the kitchen and the playground.

And if Jesus can be trusted with the weight of history; He can be also trusted with the week ahead.


 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

2 thoughts on “Headlines and bylines

  1. Thanks Emma – that actually really speaks to me. I guess my local news is pretty crap right now – “I hate my body and I feel like it’s let me and my unborn child and my family down yet again and I’m secretly scared it’s all my fault”. But I heard a fab sermon on Gideon on Sunday, and that’s the national news I really need to concentrate on – without God, yes, I’m weak, but with Him? With Him, all those weaknesses are covered by his incredible glory.

    Love it that God uses things to remind you when you most need it – thanks for your wise thoughts lovely lady – it’s really helped.

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