
pawn-reflecting-in-a-mirror-as-a-kingWe can ask God for healing but also seek help from our doctors.

We can love Jesus but also sometimes have doubts.

We can be broken and battered but still serve in God’s strength.

We can hate our sin but love the person that God has created.

We can ask for immediate healing, but also recognise that it may not come – at least before heaven.

We can love our church and the people, but accept that neither are perfect.

We can pray for God to lift us out of the pit, but also take anti-depressants.

We can be in the world, but not determined by it.

We can be uncomfortable or unhappy, but not choose old patterns of coping.

We can be crushed and overwhelmed, but do all things by His strength.

We can suffer, but also know hope.

We can love other people, but not be their Saviour.

We can do our best, but not be a slave to results.

We can be normal and have struggles with mental health.

We can show ourselves kindness, without being self-centred.

We can be joyful, when everything is going wrong.

We can experience depression, when everything is going ‘right.’

We can start again, when we don’t believe in second chances.


“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body… Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭7-18‬ NIV)

7 thoughts on “Both/And

  1. “We can experience depression, when everything is going ‘right’…” I find this so hard to believe in my life. Everything on the outside appears great yet what I experience inside is complete wretchedness. But when I try to express this to others the response is either;
    “What do you think has happened to cause you to feel this way?”
    I DON’T KNOW! I can’t put a finger on it and if I could would it stop my depression? Do you really think that because I have no apparent reason that I must *want to feel this way?
    or it’s
    “Well look at everything you’ve got going for you! It can’t be *that bad? There are loads of people who have to deal with worse!”
    I know there are people far worse off than me but you are adding to the guilt I have about it whilst confirming my belief that I am worthless! Also I am very much aware that there are good things in my life, but the fact that I can’t feel happy about any of them is horrible. You listing the things in my life that should make me smile but don’t torments me in the worst possible way.
    I have no idea how to live life in a way that I feel ok about the fact I have depression/anxiety. Especially when there is no obvious reason for it. I know God is ultimately in control but I feel so out of control that I often find myself unable to trust that. I’m so confused and I have no idea if what I’ve just written makes any sense…

  2. Hi Laura,
    Makes perfect sense!
    I’m so sorry about the difficulties you are experiencing. When things go a bit skew-wiff I often find myself getting more confused because I can’t see what God’s plan is – but of course I can’t – I’m not God! It’s so easy to be blithe about trusting when there’s not a lot going on, but it’s actually really tough; for me (control freak ahoy) it involves admitting that someone knows what’s best better than I do, and that doesn’t come easy!
    Keep trusting (yes, I know…), keep reminding yourself of what you know to be true, and keep coming here – Emma is so helpful and so encouraging.
    Lots of love!

  3. Laura – what you’ve written makes a lot of sense: and as Julie says, those feelings are something many of us can relate to. For me, talking to friends who understand, praying and reminding myself that I’m not my feelings, are all important. So too is the knowledge that you and I are not alone: and that although everyone won’t understand, many do.

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