Thanks so much for reading this year – and for your prayers, wisdom and support. They’ve been a lifeline: and it’s a privilege to be part of such a loving and diverse community.
So, as the new year rolls around, whatever 2015 holds, we’re in it together…and thank God, we have a beautiful Saviour who goes ahead of us, carries us and lights the way.
I’m heading off now for some holiday/maternity leave – so there’ll be no usual blog service for a little while, (unless I’m driven to it at 3am, which is a distinct possibility). I’ll leave you (for the moment) with a great Puritan prayer from The Valley of Vision:
O Lord,
I launch my bark on the unknown waters of this year:
With Thee, O Father as my harbour,
Thee, O Son, at my helm,
Thee O Holy Spirit, filling my sails.
Guide me to heaven:
With my loins girt,
My lamp burning,
My ear open to Thy calls,
My heart full of love,
My soul free.
Give me:
Thy grace to sanctify me,
Thy comforts to cheer,
Thy wisdom to teach,
Thy right hand to guide,
Thy counsel to instruct,
Thy law to judge,
Thy presence to stabilize.
Thy fear be my awe,
Thy triumphs my joy.
Length of days does not profit me except the days are passed:
In Thy presence,
In Thy service,
To Thy glory.
Give me a grace that:
Aids every hour,.
That I may not be one moment apart from Thee, but may rely on Thy Spirit:
To supply every thought,
Speak in every word,
Direct every step,
Prosper every work,
Build up every mote of faith.
And give me a desire:
To show forth Thy praise;
Testify Thy love,
And advance Thy kingdom.
Happy New Year!
Lovely prayer.
Thank you for sharing this year. For your wisdom, honesty and encouragement.
Praying for you and Glen and all that 2015 brings. Also praying for good health and a safe delivery.
Much love xxx
Bless you Emma. Praying for you and the baby to be! xx
Happy New Year dear Emma! What adventures lie ahead in 2015, I’m excited for you! it’s precious, exciting, tearful, overwhelming, wonderful to welcome a little one into your world, the Lord will give grace & mercy for each new day.
Happy New year Emma! Enjoy some resting and nesting time as you prepare for your precious new arrival. When is baby due? Thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement, honesty and truth. Good bless you and Glen. Looking forward to a happy announcement from you soon. Much love x x
Will miss your blog so much whilst it’s away!!!!!! Thank you for everything you’ve shared this year, you’ve been an incredible encouragement to me and so many of my friends. You’re wonderful! Thank you and many blessings for the year ahead :)
Have read a new name twice is. Beautifully written and very honest.thinking and praying for you and glen
God bless you at this special time,