Split Vote

13466321_904897469622497_9180874953757227354_n We voted, Glen and I.

We talked about it and we prayed about it.

We both did our research and we both sought advice from wise Christian friends.

Both of us could justify our decisions and both felt that we knew the right thing to do.

But I voted to remain and Glen voted to leave.

And we are still together.


I don’t think he’s pro-racist, he doesn’t think I’m anti-democratic.

He’s not crowing in victory and I’m not hissing and bitter, (at least on this).

We still disagree. And we’re still talking about what we think. But we’re not divided, (at least on this). In fact, we agree on one thing:

The referendum is not the biggest issue. And the biggest question is not, “out or in.”

So here’s our shared manifesto:


1. The big issue:

I’ve seen many articles on how Christians should vote. I’ve seen very few on how we handle the outcome. But these qs put Brexit in the shade. So which answer gets your vote?


Q1. Can we talk about personal issues without personal attacks?

A. “Have you thought about X? What does this mean for migrants/the economy/international relations/the spread of the church?” OR



Q2, Are we willing to listen (and even change), instead of digging in and scoring points?

A. “I don’t think I understand what you mean. Can you talk me through it?” OR



Q3. Can we agree to make our decisions before the Lord and trust one another with them?

A. “I don’t support your arguments. But I love you and I trust you to do what you think is right before God – and that’s what matters.” OR

B. “Joan and Bob are with me. THEY think you’re wrong and they’re the nicest, godliest people we know. I just hoped you’d vote with God’s priorities.”


If you chose mainly A: it’s going to be tricky. You’ll need God to give you humility, wisdom and grace. You’ll need a lot of prayer and the Spirit’s help. But by His power, you’ll learn from each other. You’ll be open to change and in weakness, rely on His strength. You’ll trust in Him, not a decision on Europe.

If you choose mainly B: it’s going to be tricky. You’ll need to side with friends, instead of one another. You’ll need God as political ammo. You’ll need to hold onto fear: and keep talking about your divisions. You mustn’t waver or be weak. You must WIN. Because IT’S ALL UP TO YOU.


Nearly finished. Just one more q, and it’s the most important. Not, out or in. Not Gove or May…


2. Who is really in charge?

A. The Lord God, maker of Heaven and Earth, who is above all rulers and principalities, who reigns forever, in justice and truth? OR

B. The Bank of England/The People/The Media/The politicians/The devil (delete as appropriate)


If it’s A, then everything is going to be okay. We can disagree and not hate. We can pray and trust and hope, whatever is going on.

If it’s B, then nothing is secure and nothing we do matters, (let alone our vote). In fact, it may already be too late.


Glen and I disagree on many issues. But here’s where we agree:


There’s more at stake than the future of the UK or even the EU.

Whether in or out, God will use this situation.

Whether we’re on the same page or diametrically opposed, we have an opportunity to love one another.


How do we agree to disagree? And who is in charge?

I’ve told you our answers. Now, over to you. How will YOU vote?


PS here’s Glen’s take on where we go from here – (spoiler: it’s about Jesus).

2 thoughts on “Split Vote

  1. Listening to Glen I do agree with his thoughts but I struggle to find them authentic. You, british. Him, an immigrant but luckily, with a british passport. All family safe. No fear of deportation, no strong eastern european accent or polish names. Unlikely to experience any sort of abuse. It is easy to give lessons to those who might be anxious and terrified, who’s family might have bad experience. It is easy to use big words in the same way as if you would walk to someone in a wheelchair and tell him ‘cheer up mate, life is great’. He might not agree with your optimism. He might think: ‘you never walked in my shoes, you don’t have a clue about my life’. And he is right. As I said, I do agree with his words, but I struggle to take it from him this time. It doesn’t sound authentic.

  2. Hi J,

    Glen here. I don’t have a British passport and I have been forcibly removed from the UK against my will. But you’re right – I don’t know about racism the way many do. And I want to hear about, give weight to, and champion the experiences of those who suffer racism. I want more videos from those people and I think you’re right – those stories come across with more authenticity. I hope I was strong enough against racism (that it is “hellish, satanic, etc”) and I hope that my words have a *different* kind of weight because it’s “a white man” also speaking out against it. I agree that this is not the testimony of a victim and therefore has a different tone. But I hope there’s also a place for all kinds of people to condemn racism from all kinds of angles.

    in Jesus.

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