Don’t Give Up

You’re tired.

I know, I see it.  The shoulders, the lowered chin, the sadness beneath the smile.

You’ve been carrying too much – for too long.  More than anyone realises; more than anyone was meant to bear. You don’t want to draw attention.  Others have it worse, you know that.  It’s fine, really.  Only it’s not. Is it?

It’s okay.  You’re safe here. You don’t need to pretend.  There’s time – and space.  As much as you need. You can breathe and you can rest.

Kick off your shoes.  Here’s a chair, by the fire. The flames, crackling and punctuating the stillness. Nothing else.

This is exactly where you need to be.

I’m here. I always have been – and I always will. And I understand.

I see it –  the fear and the fight:  the failures and the victories;  the weariness and the weight of it and the longings that no-one wants to hear.

The past: the things that have been done to you. The things you’ve done.  The hurts and the scars and the echoes and the shadows.  There’s light for those. There’s healing.  There’s forgiveness and there’s an end to it and a new start.

The future: threatening and uncertain. Don’t be afraid.  Tomorrow is mine and I have gone ahead of you to prepare the way.

It’s okay if you can’t see it. I can.

It’s okay if you don’t feel like you can do it. I will do it for you.

I will help you.

I will carry you and I will take your burdens.

Because I love you.

I am thrilled with you. It hurts to hear it – but it’s true.

You are worth everything to me.

I will never leave you – and I will never let you go.




15 thoughts on “Don’t Give Up

  1. Echoing the above comments this is just what I needed to be reminded of this week. Thank you

  2. thankyou paul for this reminder.

    also thankyou for speaking at mount on saturday – i had been looking forward to it all week.

    i work in a bakery and one of the guys there has been asking me about the four stages of humanity.

    from katherine taylor

  3. Emma, I sent out a copy of this today to a few friends,
    this was one response : Thanx a lot for making me cry this morning! I love you anyway! A real friend sees the heart behind the tired & slightly pained smile.
    Thank you!
    Then she forwarded it to another friend, and I can’t post
    their response (to personal) but it brought much needed encouragement at just the right time…
    So thank you much for bringing this reminder to us all.

  4. This is so comforting to me at the moment, am going to share with my daughter, thanks!

  5. Thanks.Today has been one of those days where I have felt I am carrying a lot, have been frustrated at my own tendancy to self-pity and to crave human comfort, but have felt tired and alone. Your post is encouraging and uplifting. I hope you also feel that yourself!

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