A is for Adam. Married to Eve. Our great-great-great-great-great-great-great … grandfather. Easy on the eye, but not a lot between the ears. Figured he could do life without God – and got what he wanted. We’ve been following in his footsteps ever since.
B is for ‘Bible’ – God’s love letters to us. Also ‘Bro.’ Your get-out-of-jail-free card for when you forget someone’s name. And ‘Building Work’ (which is why we need PCC meetings and Bun Sales).
C is for Church. It’s not perfect. But it’s family and it’s where Everyone belongs. Don’t do it alone.
D is for daily bread. It’s what the Israelites got in the wilderness. It’s what we need in the Christian life – a daily dose of Jesus- because we’re prone to Despair.
E is for easy answers. Not something you’ll find with real Christianity.
F is for the Fall. See Adam and Eve. Also, ‘Flirt to Convert.’ Winning people for Jesus by er – snogging them. Not recommended (but if that’s how you came in, welcome!)
G is for God. Not a big far-off God, unknowable and scary. Not the God we all sort-of believe in, no-matter what our faith. Not OMG or God forbid or God as Father Christmas (on speed dial for emergencies). The Jesus-God – the Father who He reveals.
H is for the Holy Spirit. Not an impersonal force or a test tube of stuff. Not a warm fuzzy feeling or an experience. Not a showman or an irrelevance. A Person. Living in us and pointing us back to the Son.
I is for In. That’s how close you are to Jesus.
J is for Jesus. The Christ of Christianity. The relationship we were created for. The Son of God who gave Himself for us and rules forever at His Father’s right hand.
K is for Keep Going. It’s not about one-off, mountain-top highs. It’s an ongoing life of persevering faith.
L is for Life to the Full. Not a series of rules and restrictions. What we were made for.
M is for Mess. Jesus comes for the messy. He loves and accepts us, whatever our struggles.
N is for New Creation. Heaven is just the waiting room. The whole world and our rickety bodies are going to be utterly transformed.
O is for Old Ladies. They’re amazing. The back-bone of church.
P is for Prayer. Important, but sometimes difficult. You don’t have to do it out loud. You might not get the answers you want or expect. But prayer changes everything.
Q is for Questions. It’s ok to have them.
R is for Rest. Jesus says this is what He’s offering (Matthew 11:28). Maybe we should take Him up on it.
S is for Side-Hug. The favoured translation of “greet one another with a holy kiss.” Especially useful with the Yoof (see Y).
T is for Traybakes. An essential part of church gatherings. But remember, you don’t have to make them! (That’s why we have Marks and Spencers)
U is for Unconditionally Loved. You. And me. By the Lord of the Universe.
V is for variety. We’re an odd bunch, but where else but in church do you see such a beautiful and motley crew?
W is for Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. More scarily, see also The Wife of Noble Character.
X is for Xerxes. He’s in the Bible, honest.
Y is for ‘Yoof.’ You don’t need a special language to talk to them.
Z is for Zipporah. Moses’ wife and good with a knife in emergency situations. (Initially I had Zebedee, but I might be thinking of the Magic Roundabout…)